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Subscribe to get early access to the fiction series Mere Immortal. Gary Swift (aka Gary Swaby) also writes here about his life as a sickle cell patient, along with various lifestyle topics. Never miss an update.

About Mere Immortal

In 2022, a meteor strikes Earth, leaving behind mysterious matter that can cure diseases and grant immortality. Eight individuals undergo a procedure to become immortal, but two children are killed during the experiment, and the government forces the scientist to destroy the remaining matter. Two decades later, only six immortals remain. Until one is murdered by an anti-immortal activist named Zella. The world is in shock at the death of one of the test subjects they thought to be fully immortal. And now enemies of America’s evil regime, the Cover Operations Group, are aware that there is indeed a way to kill an immortal.

The remaining immortals band together, forming a secret order led by Hubert Quinn. Meanwhile, Zella's anti-immortal group seeks to expose and eliminate the immortals. The story unfolds from the perspectives of Zella and Hubert Quinn, delving into the complexities of morality and blurring the lines between right and wrong.

Mere Immortal is a thrilling story of immortality, espionage, and psychological warfare. When a meteor grants six people eternal life, the world is thrown into chaos. World leaders and intelligence agencies race to control the immortals, while an anti-immortal activist sets out to destroy them all.

In a world where life and death hang in the balance, who will emerge victorious?

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Subscribe to Gary Swift's Serial Fiction - Mere Immortal

This is the Substack for Gary Swift, the author of Mere Immortal. Mere Immortal is an action-adventure serial. Chapters release weekly.


Gary Swift is a writer from Luton, England. Gary's journey through life with sickle cell anaemia has fueled his passion for the literary arts. Amidst the daily battle against pain, he finds solace in the power of his own mind.